Guide to Tripod’s 7Cs™ Framework
Classroom Management
Teachers who are effective at classroom management foster orderly, respectful, and on-task classroom behavior. They create conditions that enable learning, including establishing a positive classroom climate, teaching self-management skills, monitoring student conduct, and redirecting unproductive behavior.
Message to Students:
“Our class will remain orderly, on task, and respectful, with learning as our first priority.”
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Sample Student Survey Items
(for different grade levels)

- Our class stays busy and does not waste time.

- My classmates behave the way my teacher wants them to.

- Students in this class treat the teacher with respect.
Indicators of an Exemplary Classroom
Teachers demonstrate effective classroom management through practices like these:
Managing activities
The classroom environment is organized and time is used efficiently.
- The teacher explains, models, and implements routines and strategies to systematize classroom processes.
- Classroom activities run smoothly due to materials being readily accessible and time being managed effectively, including during transitions and interruptions.
Managing behavior
The teacher effectively guides students in managing their behavior.
- The teacher explains, models, and implements routines and strategies that elicit positive student behavior.
- The teacher establishes and regularly encourages high standards for student conduct, coaches students on how to meet those standards, and holds students accountable in a fair and consistent manner.
Reflection Questions
Consider these questions as you reflect on your classroom practice:
- What expectations and routines do you establish for student behavior?
- How quickly do you get students settled and working at the beginning of class?
- How do you make sure students in class are busy learning and not wasting time?
- How long before the end of class do you start to wind down the work?
- How do you respond when it appears that students are off task?
- How do you respond when students treat you or each other disrespectfully?
- How do you respond when students ignore or disobey what you have asked them to do?
Sample Strategies
Try implementing teaching strategies like these in your classroom:
- Organize the classroom for optimal efficiency to enable student access to materials, equipment, and other resources. For example, make sure students can easily locate their classroom folders, notebooks, or texts without disrupting others.
- Establish classroom routines for individual and group work, transitions, and class discussions.
- Work with students to develop an agreement about expectations for classroom behavior, ask everyone to sign it, and post it publicly for regular reference.
- Respond with logical consequences when students do not comply with agreed upon behavior expectations.
We’ve curated a set of teaching resources for Captivate. As you set goals and pursue professional learning opportunities, use these resource collections to access additional strategies, tools, and examples of effective practices in action.
Teachers who are effective at classroom management foster orderly, respectful, and on-task classroom behavior. They create conditions that enable learning, including establishing a positive classroom climate, teaching self-management skills, monitoring student conduct, and redirecting unproductive behavior. Find resources offering classroom strategies that support the practice of organizing the classroom environment and using time efficiently.
Student-Led Guidelines for Using Materials and Space | EL Education In this video, teachers engage their students in establishing and implementing classroom guidelines for efficient and productive use of tools, materials, and spaces to optimize learning. These classroom snapshots offer helpful illustrations of the power of engaging students in determining guidelines for thoughtful and productive use of learning materials …19 Big and Small Classroom Management Strategies This teacher’s blog post offers a variety of practical classroom management tips and strategies that can help to establish a positive classroom climate, elicit cooperative student behavior, and keep students productively engaged in learning …8 Tips and Tricks to Redesign Your Classroom This article offers tips for redesigning classroom space that can help teachers strategically customize learning spaces with student input. These ideas can help teachers foster classroom conditions that promote specific modes of learning and allow for smooth and productive learning activities …Mastering Classroom Transitions This helpful article describes the importance of efficient transitions in the classroom and recommends a procedure for establishing effective cues to guide students in transitioning fluidly in order to make the most of instructional time. The author then offers useful suggestions for troubleshooting common problems during transitions that result …Instructional Pacing: How Do Your Lessons Flow? This blog post describes seven essentials of pacing to keep students engaged and events running smoothly in the classroom. These teaching tips include a variety of easy-to-implement strategies for keeping instruction moving at pace that maximizes learning time and keeps students focused and engaged …Critical Practices for Anti-Bias Education: Classroom Culture This resource describes teaching practices and strategies that promote a safe and respectful classroom culture in which all students can thrive. These practices include building positive relationships with students as well as establishing and reinforcing shared expectations for student behavior and interactions. Recommendations address the value of building community …Tricks of the Trade: Classroom Management Tips for Teachers (Video Playlist) The first in this series of brief videos illustrating effective classroom management strategies features a teacher who connects personally with students as they enter his classroom with a handshake, a greeting, and a review question. This daily routine helps to foster orderly, respectful behavior, build relationships, and create a …The Science of Effective Learning Spaces This article articulates several factors for teachers to consider when designing a learning environment in order to promote students’ well-being and academic success. It describes how physical conditions such as light, noise, temperature, and seating arrangements can have an impact on learning and offers suggestions for how to minimize …Morning Meetings: Creating a Safe Space for Learning This video and accompanying article explain and illustrate how morning meeting routines can help to create a safe environment for learning, including suggested structure and sample activities. Featured teachers demonstrate how they show concern for students’ emotional well-being and offer helpful tips to help build rapport in the classroom …The Optimal Seating Plan? Letting Your Students Choose This video and accompanying article offer strategies for organizing the classroom in ways that optimize student engagement in learning. The featured teachers explain and model how they use flexible seating to meet a variety of student learning needs. Students use self-management skills and make responsible choices to create seating …Is Your Classroom Organized for Learning? | Responsive Classroom This article offers helpful suggestions for organizing classroom spaces to help students feel welcome and stay positively focused on learning. It provides useful questions and checklists to guide the design of classroom environments that accommodate a variety of learning activities and foster smooth transitions and productive learning conditions in …Procedures for Classroom Talk This article explains the benefits of facilitating classroom discussion and offers a variety of strategies for ensuring that student conversation promotes learning, that everyone participates, and that student perspectives are respected. The authors discuss the importance of classroom talk for English language learners, and they provide practical tips for …First Five Minutes/Last Five Minutes This brief video demonstrates strategies for maximizing learning time at the beginning and ending of a class, including ways to focus students, check for understanding, and consolidate learning. It offers a variety of useful examples of how teachers use entry tickets and exit tickets to establish clear routines for …Adapting Curriculum to Learners’ Needs The teacher featured in this video demonstrates how she differentiates instruction based on individual students’ learning needs so that everyone can engage in the lesson with confidence, feel supported and challenged, and achieve success. She models and explains how she personalizes instruction during a close reading lesson in ways …From Scattered Unreadiness to Winning Teamwork This teacher’s authentic and informative account of solving the common problem of students coming to class unprepared provides a good example of the power of positive reinforcement and of engaging students in collaborative problem-solving …Small Groups, Big Gains In this article, a teacher describes how she worked with students to implement, monitor, and adjust procedures to support focused student collaboration in her classroom. She tells the real story of a her efforts over time to help students become more productive in small group work, including bumps in …Classroom Time Analysis Tool This online tool is designed to help teachers track and analyze use of classroom time, which can assist in monitoring and reflecting on pacing, transitions, disruptions, engagement, and balance of learning activities. The tool makes it easy for teachers observing each other’s classrooms (or their own classroom video) to …Reciprocal Teaching | Reading Rockets This article and video explain how to use designated group roles in order to promote interaction through student-led peer group discussion about a text. Reciprocal teaching is a technique that engages students in reading comprehension strategies including questioning, clarifying, summarizing, and predicting. Accompanying resources support classroom implementation in a …Assigning Roles for Group Work This classroom strategy involves establishing roles within groups in order to focus discussion, manage time effectively, and efficiently guide student learning. Creating roles and routines for group work enables student learning by systematizing classroom procedures, distributing responsibilities for group work products, and creating structures that hold all students accountable …Classroom Management: Managing Behavior
Teachers who are effective at classroom management foster orderly, respectful, and on-task classroom behavior. They create conditions that enable learning, including establishing a positive classroom climate, teaching self-management skills, monitoring student conduct, and redirecting unproductive behavior. Find resources offering classroom strategies that support the practice of effectively guiding students in managing their behavior.